GUS Daily Digest Thu, 9 Mar 95 9:37 PST Volume 20: Issue 9 Today's Topics: 16-bit AIL under OS/2 ACE Ace Problems - Solutions AMD Interwave card or chip? (2 msgs) cd-player noise Communications Decency Act of 1995 (fwd) Dark Forces--Pissed off GUS owner Darkforces and the GUS Dark Forces supports GUS... kinda GUS ACE memory type GUS and GUS MAX GUS and Pentium 90/100 GUS Daily Digest V20 #8 (2 msgs) GUSMAX: MIDI In not working GUS Memory... Again Looking for software for my music keyboard Magic Carpet Memory OS/2, Interwave Sound Station & CD Audio Using Cubic Player with IRQs > 7 - here is how Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 11:27:24 -0500 (EST) From: (Robert Manley) Subject: 16-bit AIL under OS/2 All Hail Brak! (?) wrote: > Subject: OS/2 GUS driver > > Since Gravis has done such an utterly wonderful job with the timely release of > the OS/2 drivers, does anybody know what is planned for the next version of the > Manley drivers? Is the digital joystick driver going to be bolted into the next > registered version? No, but registered users of the GUS driver get a code from me which they use to brand the joystick driver turning it into the registered version. > One other thing- why does 16-bit AIL not work in VDMs? I get an error > amounting to 'Ultramid already installed' after considerable HDD activity. Sounds like you have DOS=HIGH on to me. Robert. -- # Robert J. Manley, NEW: # # NTT Systems Inc., Toronto, Ontario, CANADA # # OS/2:OSs :: 92,93 Blue Jays:MLB :: Canada:World # ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 12:17:14 +0100 (MET) From: Danny Greefhorst Subject: ACE in yesterday's digest someone wrote: 1. Does the ACE have comparable quality with sound quality with gusmax? 2. Is the installation simple? Do I have to deal with jumper? Must I assign a separate dma channel and separate interrupt to it? 3. what is the size of the tsr program? Does it conflict with the tsr of proaudio spectrum 16? 1. the ACE is a stripped down version of the MAX with exactly the same sound quality, and 512kb RAM. 2. Yes; just install the 5 disks that come with it. The only jumper that has to be set is the one that selects the base address. The card requires a DMA and IRQ channel but the installation program lets you see which ones are already taken by your PAS 16. 3. No TSR is required for normal operation. For roland emulation you need to load Mega-Em which can be loaded high and doesn't take too much memory. Danny -- Danny Greefhorst( | Utrecht University CGN A142, tel. 030-539252 | Department of Computer Science working on Ariadne and Elmo | The Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Mar 95 20:54:00 -0500 From: (Dave Redfern) Subject: Ace Problems - Solutions Message-ID: <> For those of you who may be having problems with the Gravis Ace, this may help. Problem #1: Joystick doesn't work when you do a Cold Boot or Reset, but DOES work if you Warm Boot with CTRL-Alt-Del. Solution: Add a second Ultrinit line to your Autoexec.bat file. You can put it in immediately following the first one. That should solve the problem. Problem #2: During Ace Install, Setup won't run because it says it can't find the Ace. Then the Diag. program promptly finds it exactly where its supposed to be. (If you've had the problem, you'll understand this) Solution: Remove the OTHER soundcard and Setup should run fine. Run Windows and let everything set up and then Test. Reinstall the other Soundcard. Although not ideal, this will at least get you up and running. Setup will still NOT work, but everything else will. Problem: Megaem doesn't work with Ace! Solution: If you run Megaem using the E.bat program, it won't work. Look in the E.bat file and remove the -sbosoff parameter in the Megaem routine. Its easy to test for this one by running Megaem manually. Megaem then Emuset If it works this way and not with E.bat, this is the reason. Hope this helps someone. Dave --- QMPro 1.52 . The UltraSound Connection (813) 787-8644 14400 HST/V32bis ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mercury Opus BBS - St. Petersburg, Florida, USA - +1-813-321-0734 | | 2000 Conferences - 100,000 Files - One of America's Top 100 BBS Systems | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Mar 1995 14:09:20 -0500 From: (Jeff Dunn) Subject: AMD Interwave card or chip? Message-ID: >From what I've been reading, it seems that the amd interwave will be a chip on a motherboard. Nowhere but the digests have I heard that the chip will be on a sound card. Anyone have some litterature about the amd interwave on a card? Thanks ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Mar 1995 14:09:20 -0500 From: (Jeff Dunn) Subject: AMD Interwave card or chip? Message-ID: >From what I've been reading, it seems that the amd interwave will be a chip on a motherboard. Nowhere but the digests have I heard that the chip will be on a sound card. Anyone have some litterature about the amd interwave on a card? Thanks ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 19:16:15 +0000 (GMT) From: quay a ly Subject: cd-player noise hello.. i am having a lot of problem with my GUS.. most of the games that i have such as mortal kombat works.. but for some reason, when i load up the CD play, it would make some weird noise loud noise. this is how i have my setup. i have an external CD player. and i would connect the output to the input of the GUS (the mic input because my audio input don't work for some reason) and i have the amplified GUS output to my stereo. everytime i want to use my cd player in DOS, it would make a loud noise that sounds like the noise that comes from the HD noise. and when i load up in OS/2, it would make the same noise. can anyone explain the reason for that?? i have a 486 DX/2 66 MHz, 8 Megs of Rams, and 750K on my GUS. i also have a toshiba 3501 CD-player please send email to thanks... quay ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 16:36:42 +0100 From: Subject: Communications Decency Act of 1995 (fwd) My dear fellow imagineerers. The following message has got nothing to do with Imagine whatsoever but I'm posting it here anyway since it is of such importance. If someone wants to flame me for it, fine, but I would be most dissapointed if anyone did. So, please read on and most important of all; VOTE!!! --------------------------- The following describes how to sign a petition opposed to "The Communications Decency Act of 1995." -------- Forwarded Message -------- A matter has come to my attention of the utmost importance to all of us online. Simply put, a couple of senators have proposed a particularly heinous piece of legislation titled the "Communications Decency Act of 1995" (Senate Bill S. 314). Basically, the bill would subject all forms of electronic communication -- from public Internet postings to your most private email -- to government censorship. The effects of the bill onto the online industry would be devastating -- most colleges and private companies (AOL, Compuserve, etc.) would probably have to shut down or greatly restrict access, since they would be held criminally liable for the postings and email of private users. Obviously, this bill is designed to win votes for these senators among those who are fearful of the internet and aren't big fans of freedom of speech -- ie., those who are always trying to censor "pornography" and dirty books and such. Given the political climate in this country, this bill might just pass unless the computer community demonstrates its strength as a committed political force to be reckoned with. This, my friends, is why I have filled your mailbox with this very long message. A petition, to be sent to Congress, the President, and the media, has begun spreading through the Internet. It's easy to participate and be heard -- to sign it, you simply follow the instructions below which boil down to sending a quick email message to a certain address. That's all it takes to let your voice be heard. (You know, if the Internet makes democracy this accessible to the average citizen, is it any wonder Congress wants to censor it?) Finally, PLEASE forward this message to all your friends online. The more people sign the petition, the more the government will get the message to back off the online community. We've been doing fine without censorship until now -- let's show them we don't plan on allowing them to start now. If you value your freedoms -- from your right to publicly post a message on a worldwide forum to your right to receive private email without the government censoring it you need to take action NOW. It'll take fifteen minutes at the most, a small sacrifice considering the issues at hand. Remember, the age of fighting for liberty with muskets and shells is most likely over; the time has come where the keyboard and the phone line will prove mightier than the sword -- or the Senate, in this case. Here's what you have to do to sign the petition: send an e-mail message to: the message (NOT the subject heading) should read as follows: SIGNED (y/n) eg. SIGNED lsewell@leland.Stanford.EDU Laura Sewell YES If you are interested in signing the petition, I would highly suggest investigating the details of the situation. You can find out more on the Web at or in the newsgroup -------- end Forwarded Message -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Conny Joensson | Swedish Space Corp. Esrange | | Kiruna | Satellite operations - Telecom Div. | | Sweden | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 95 13:40:16 MST From: ac446@rgfn.epcc.Edu (David C Gilliland) Subject: Dark Forces--Pissed off GUS owner This is great...we go through all the trouble to make sure that DF has GUS support and here is what the readme has to say-- Due to the GUS using processor power, there will be some slowdown on slower machines. Yay! Now, for the better part-- Don't use the joystick port on the GUS because there is a consistent drift. What the hell? Is LucasArts hiring some inept programmers or what? Dave -- "Walk a mile in a man's shoes before you kick his a$$ with them just to piss him off." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Mar 95 12:48:26 GMT From: Graham Sturmy Subject: Darkforces and the GUS Hello all, I would just like to inform everyone of the following:- Darkforces Supports the gravis ultrasound in native mode. I know this because im sat here writing this message with a brand new copy of the game (Just released in England) and the box says Gravis Support! To those of you on this mailing list that werent sure wether to buy the game, the you can happily go ahead and to so. And why dont you all mail Lucasarts and congratulate them on a job VERY well done (Unless the gravis support doesnt actually work of course) Graham Sturmy (very happy) PS. Well actually I think we should all mail Lucasarts saying how bad it is that the game supports the Gravis because this is only going to lead to a reduction in my marks at uni. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 16:11:43 +0000 From: "Chris Bolin" Subject: Dark Forces supports GUS... kinda Read it in the readme... Does anyone know why they claim the GUS slows your system down? I thought the DDSP took most of the load off the CPU???? a) ADVANCED GRAVIS ULTRASOUND AND ULTRASOUND MAX Dark Forces supports the Ultrasound in native mode. IMPORTANT-In order for the Ultrasound to work properly with Dark Forces, you must NOT have SBOS installed (Gravis' Sound Blaster emulation driver). If you have SBOS installed and do not know how to remove it, you may use our boot disk utility to make a boot disk, as it will remove SBOS for you. Due to the way that the Ultrasound interacts with your CPU to generate sound and music, you may notice slowdowns and occasional stuck notes while playing the game, especially on slower machines. The game may even become unplayable on a 386DX/33 with sound enabled. Selecting 'No sound' from the 'Sound board configuration' will allow the game to run at normal speed. (See +USING 'SET SOUND BOARD' TO MANUALLY CONFIGURE YOUR SOUND CARD+). If you are using a joystick plugged into the Ultrasound's game port, you will get a consistent joystick drift. It is not recommended that you use a joystick connected to the Ultrasound's game port. NOTE: When using the Ultrasound MAX, you may occasionally hear corrupted instruments. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 13:42:00 -0800 From: Ferdinand Mataragnon Subject: GUS ACE memory type Hello. What kind of memory chips does the GUS ACE use? 512k DRAM chips? or 128k DRAM chips? Also, does anyone know where 512k DRAM chips for the GUS MAX can be purchased cheap? I think $45+ for a 512k DRAM chip is a total ripoff! That's almost the same price for a 1 meg SIMM! Thanks. Ferdinand ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 95 14:49:27 EDT From: "Michael A. Bryenton/scnm/Stentor" Subject: GUS and GUS MAX Questions from a fellow new to the digest : 1. Can I use the MAX SBOS drivers on my original GUS card ? 2. Can I use the latest drivers (3.59?) on my original GUS ? 3. Where can I get RAM cheap for the GUS (preferably Canada) ? 4. Where can I get cable to connect the sound output of my CD-ROM drive (Phillips) to the card ? That is all for now .... Thanks ... Mike Bryenton ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 13:45:43 -0800 From: Ferdinand Mataragnon Subject: GUS and Pentium 90/100 Hello. Are there any problems when using a Pentium 90 (or 100) with a GUS? Is there anything I should watch out for or keep in mind before I get one? I love my GUS (original, with 1 meg) and I don't think I can go on without it. :) (Even when you're getting a Pentium?!) Thanks. Ferdinand ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Mar 95 14:07:55 CST From: Steve Sesterhenn Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V20 #8 >Meanwhile, isn't it ironic that magazines have begun touting QQP's use of >the AWEful32's Soundfont technology in The Perfect General II as some sort >of revolution... HELLO? I have yet to see any of these magazines get >specific, because I suspect that what this amounts to is loading the sound >effects in as instruments - What a revolutionary concept! Gee, the >Ultrasound's only been able to do this for about three years, and the >now-discontinued Roland MT-32 could also accept downloaded sound effects >for years before that! Huh - sounds like Microsoft - take a >technology that already exists, then sell it as a revolutionary >concept with an enormous advertising budget... Sounds just like "creative" labs.... they've made a fortune taking other companies' ideas, changing something small, and marketing them as inovative! Look at the original sound bastard.... an Adlib with a cheap DAC stuck on for sound effects. And they put it out AFTER Adlib took the risk trying to create a brand new market. CL made a fortune off of it. The AWEful32.... Gravis' ideas with CL's advertising budget and influence. "Soundfont" technology??? GIVE ME A BREAK! Why does everybody think CL comes up with all these great ideas when all they are doing is stealing everyone else's and marketing them as their own?! Sorry, just pisses the hell out of me. Does anyone else hate this? Steve ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 20:13:49 -0800 (PST) From: Jeff Angeles Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V20 #8 > > Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 12:36:21 -0800 > From: > > GUS MAX and System Shock CD > > Is it possible to run System Shock CD with the GUS MAX? Supposedly, > there is a gravis directory, but it doesn't exist. Any ideas? > > Wilson > > Yes!! Just get the file, from, at /pub/packages/gravis/submit. Then unzip and copy the ULTRA.* files to the appropriate files for the other soundcard. For example, copy the ULTRA.* files over the SOUND\SNDSCAPE.* files, then select Ensoniq Soundscape, and autoconfigure in the INSTALL utility. You may have to copy the THM??.XMI files from the SOUND\SBLASTER\ directory over the XMIs in the SOUND\GENMIDI\ directory. This is only necessary if you don't get music in levels 2-5,7-9. Once this is done, you're all set to go. One thing, be patient when you enter a new area, such as a new floor or walking in the elevator for the first time. That's because the AIL drivers are patch caching, and it finds out what are the best patches to load. Good luck, and happy GUSsing. Jeff Angeles P.S.: You've mentioned that there probably is a \SOUND\GRAVIS\ DIRECTORY in SS CD. Well, there should be (I have it in my CD). In that directory, there are *.PAT files located in there. I'm coming up with a CUSTOM.GUS file you can use to take advantage of your custom patches. Since I've already beat the game, I'll release it at, /pub/pc/ultrasound/submit very soon. P.P.S.: For the guy who posted a message in the digest concerning game companies using custom patches; this is another one. But do I see advertizers going wild over this??? Go figure :-). Also, I wish I see more games carrying the "Supports Ultrasound" for GUS support sticker instead of "AWE(ful) 32" sticker for AWE(ful) native support. I've seen only one game who has that, Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse. ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 95 14:38:58 EDT From: John Griggs/MSL Subject: GUSMAX: MIDI In not working Greetings fellow GUSsers, I sent originally sent this to Gravis a few weeks ago (both and and got no response (If you're reading this, Gravis people - non-existent tech support is NOT A GOOD THING). I hope someone on the digest can help. Once upon a time I owned a 486DX/33 computer with a regular Ultrasound (with 1M RAM) and the Gravis MIDI adapter and an old Yamaha DX9 synth that I used happily to mess around with MIDI in windows. Then I upgraded my mother board to a DX2/66 and suddenly the MIDI in port stopped working under Windows. The adapter LEDs still indicated traffic coming in, but the driver didn't work. I tried upgrading the software and changing my configuration, but all to no avail. Then I sold my GUS to a buddy and bought myself a MAX, thinking that this might fix things, but alas there was still no joy, even after some more software upgrades and further experimentation with my configuration. So, in a nutshell, my problem is that MIDI in doesn't work on my system under windows. The DOS-based Midifier program also doesn't work, but I don't really care much about that at the moment. Everything else works fine: MIDI out works, playing MIDI files works, digital audio works, games seem fine (Myst, 7th Guest, The Even More Incredible Machine, Arena) and even the MIDI in seems to work OK under Linux (at least I see input when I cat /dev/sequencer - I don't yet have a program to deal with MIDI streams under Linux). I have lent the synth, cables and MIDI adapter to a friend with an Ultrasound and a similar system and everything seems to work fine for him, so its not a buggy cable, adapter or synth. I have rearranged my IRQs and DMA channels (both on the MAX and on the rest of the system) with no luck. I have tried using a different I/O-IDE card: no luck. I have even booted MS-DOS 5 with a minimal setup from floppy disk and tried it under that without any apparent change (I usually run Novell DOS-7). My system details are: 486DX2 66MHz 256K cache VLB Motherboard (Generic - ALI Chipset): BIOS: AMIBIOS, American Megatrends Inc, 04/01/94 BIOS Date: 08/08/93 (From MSD.EXE) 16MB RAM (70 ns - 30 pin SIMMs) Hard Disks: 216MB Maxtor IDE (IBM Boot Manager, DOS & Windows) 340MB Quantum IDE (Linux) Floppy Disks: A: - 3 1/2 " HD (1.4MB) B: - 5 1/4 " HD (1.2MB) ATI Graphics Expression Mach 64 VLB Video Card: BIOS Part No: 113-27802-100 Mitsumi Doublespin CD-ROM (using the Mitsumi adapter card, NOT the GUSMAX interface): Base Address: 300h IRQ: 10 DMA Channel: 5 Winbond MIO2050 VESA IDE CARD: IDE IRQ: 14 I/O Addresses: 1F0h-1F7h Floppy Address: 3F0h-3F7h Floppy IRQ: 6 COM1: 3F8h (G-Vox guitar adapter) IRQ 3 COM2: 2F8h (P.C. Logic 14.4 fax/modem - external) IRQ 4 LPT1: disabled Game Port: disabled Logitech Mouseman 3 button Busmouse: IRQ: 5 Driver version: 6.04 Gravis Ultrasound Max: RAM: 1MB (installed by dealer) Base Address: 220h Playback DMA: 6 (buffer = 4096) Record DMA: 7 (buffer = 4096) SoundBlaster DMA: 1 GF1 IRQ: 11 MIDI IRQ: 7 16 bit Base: 32Ch Serial Number: K112875 Hardware Revision: 1.8 CDROM: disabled Operating Systems: OS/2 2.1 (Boot Manager only) Novell DOS 7 / Microsoft Windows 3.1 Slackware Linux Gravis Software: ULTRINIT.EXE version: 2.25 Disk Set version: 3.56 Bonus Disk Set version: 1.6 Window Drivers version: 5.47 MIDI Software: PowerChords Pro v2.0.03 Various Linux utilities I have looked at the FAQ and tried everything that I can think of (ie. removing hardware and software, reconfiguring the MAX, reconfiguring my system, using MS-DOS and combinations of these approaches) to fix this to no avail. I even compiled some MIDI monitoring programs from old Charles Petzold columns in PC Magazine, but they show no data coming in on the Ultrasound port (they do report incoming data from the G-Vox, when it is installed). Please let me know if you have _any_ ideas that I may not have tried yet - I'm desperate. MIDI in is the primary reason I have a soundboard and I'll be pretty disappointed if I can't get it going after spending so much on it (computer, GUSMAX, MIDI adapter, software, etc. - not to mention the time investment). I plan to download the 3.59 software in the next few days and try that, but I've been through several software versions already, so I'm not holding my breath. Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, John Griggs Software Engineer /\ /\ John Griggs - \/ \/ Computer /\ /\ Aided Microstar Software Ltd. Phone: +1 613 727-5696 \/ \/ Document 34 Colonnade Road North Fax: +1 613 727-9491 /\ /\ Engineering Nepean Ontario Can/US: 1 800 267-9975 \/ \/ CANADA K2E 7J6 Info: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 95 17:43:27 GMT From: Alan Wood Subject: Re: GUS Memory... Again Hi All, Firstly, I did not vote in the original request due to the fact that someone posting an entire digest made the digest containing the request too large to reach through the gateway to my mail system !!!!! Hopefully, now that I know where to look I should not miss any more !?????! I agree with the majority that the standard system should be 1 MB, but I would reckon that it should be cheap enough for Gravis (if using Simms) to ship a number of versions, each with a different amount of RAM, that would let Dave buy it with 4Mb, and most of the rest of us buy it with 1Mb. That may also help people in eq Australia as it ought to allow them (if they can afford it at the time) to buy a larger Ram version for less than the cost of a low Ram version + upgrade. Alan Wood I have mastered the programming, now to get the programs working. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 22:11:49 -0800 (PST) From: Loren Kling (that's me) Subject: Looking for software for my music keyboard Does anybody know of locations of Roland software, stuff? More particular, for my D10? Thanks.-- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | Loren Kling | * * | SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 95 10:46:14 PST From: David Burton Subject: Magic Carpet Can anyone tell me how to get the best GUS sound with magic carpet demo? It doesn't support native GUS. Thanks, David Burton ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 00:44:31 +1100 (EST) From: Paul Conroy Subject: Memory In response: I must agree that the next generation GUS should not have a ROM based instrument set, and it should be a minimum of one meg. The previous releases don't even have much game support unless they are loaded with a meg of memory. The same day I bought my GUS 3 years ago i ripped the chips out of an old VGA card and have never looked back. Either supply it with at least one meg or nothing, allowing people to add Simms like the AWE. If gravis wanna chuck the default Instrument set in ROM and still allow these sounds to be easily over-ridden with Files, then I really don't care, It would solve some problems. What I'd really like to see is Gravis supporting an Extended Instrument set for more than 128 instruments, so we can have custom samples configured as "Default" patches, without disturbing the "General" inst set. Maybe it's time we started stuffing people's Email box's with our ideas. Seems it went far enough to make Lucas Arts include Native GUS support in DARK FORCES and lest we forget CAKEWALK for WINDOWS finally supported the GUS after so many musicians got writing. I wrote them when WinCake version 1 was still new, and I finally got what I wanted 2 versions later. You mentioned the MT32's custom abilities. I always thought the MT32's sounds were very poor, and wasn't capable of CD quality sounds.. --------------------------------> TETSUO <------------------------------ ****** Sysop at INTERZONE BBS - StKilda beach - Australia ****** EMAIL: FIDO: 3:634/378 BBS: 035317846 Anonymous ftp Wheel Dir - /ftp/pub/InterZone -----------------------------------+------------------------------------ Cyberpunk, Manga, Gravis, Midi, Sampliing, Cracks, Hacks, Bizarre! -----------------------------------+------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 12:28:54 -0500 (EST) From: Buddy Subject: OS/2, Interwave I got bumped off the digest for a while and it seems that I have missed something? Is there a new version of the OS/2 drivers? Before I got bumped off the digest, I had asked which drivers I should use in Warp if I wanted to do Midi work, Manley's or Gravis'. I never saw the reply because I didn't get any more digests.......can someone advise? Also, I read in today's digest an interesting and common line of thought about a new soundcard with more memory and abandoning the 'amateurish' status of the Ultrasound card. Is there a version in the works using the Interwave chip? It seems to make sense that Gravis would be interested in using it since they licenced THEIR technology to AMD while the Interwave was being developed......any VERIFIABLE news? Kevin ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 23:01:33 +0100 From: (Marcel Wilders) Subject: Re: Sound Station & CD Audio >I have just bought a Mitsumi IDE Quad speed CD-ROM and couldn't get >Sound Station to work either. The I realised you need the [MCI] CD Audio >windows driver installed. After that, no problem - at least for me. > >Incidentally, I found the CD Audio-in connector (Mitsumi) on the MAX had the >pins wired up back-to-front - either that or the audio cable itself was wired >incorrectly. It's easy enough to rewire the audio cable. Has anyone else found >this problem? > I had the same problem. After weeks of trying every possible solution I finely found out that I couldn't get sound from audio CD's, because the connector of the audio cable was connected to the GUSMAX in the wrong way. After switching it for 180 degrees everything worked o.k.. Some problems are almost too simple to get solved......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marcel Wilders Netherlands Trade Union Confederation FNV Dept Occupational Health & Safety / E-mail: P.O. Box 8456 / NL-1005 AL Amsterdam / fax +31.20.6844541 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 23:45:16 +0200 (EET) From: Saari Anssi Subject: Using Cubic Player with IRQs > 7 - here is how A few digests back someone explained how to replace the dos4gw with pmode/w for some games that have problems with GUS sound support. The same trick can be applied to cubic player and then it works with high IRQs. Anssi ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 11:24:33 GMT From: Kerry Hoskin Hi ya our kid, I had the same problem trying to get 2 joysticks to work with the GUS. The problem lies with the fact that the GUS's game port is also used as a MIDI port, i.e. pins 12 and 15 are used for MIDI, therefore you need a special Gravis Y-cable. I found the solution in a couple of back issues of the digest. Roger, Vol.2 No.63 gave the pin connections as follows: 1-XY common Joystick 1 (+5v) 2-Button 1 on 1 3-X coord on 1 4-Button common on 1 (ground) 5-Ground 6-Y coord on 1 7-Button 2 on 1 8- +5v 9-XY common Joystick 2 (+5v) 10-Button 1 on 2 11-X coord on 2 12-MIDI TX 13-Y coord on 2 14-Button 2 on 2 15-MIDI RX John DeGood, Vol.2 No.68 gave the correct pin connections, if you follow his details and older up your own Y-cable the two sticks will work perfectly. The correct way to connect up the Y-cable is as follows: Joystick 1. GUS (male 15 pin D) Joystick 1 (female 15 pin D) ------------------------- ---------------------------------- Connect pin number to pin number 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 Joystick 2. GUS (male 15 pin D) Joystick 2 (female 15 pin D) ------------------------- ---------------------------------- Connect pin number to pin number 1 1 10 2 11 3 4 4 5 5 13 6 14 7 8 8 I hope this helps. Cheers me dears, Kerry Hoskin (a still unemployed M.Sc postgraduate) Institute of Marine Studies, Department of shipping and transport, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Devon, UK. ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V20 #9 ****************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).